This is Bouncer, he's 3 year's old and is a real lover. He's great fun and weigh's a ton, all muscle. He loves to have me scratch under his chin, while he talks to me. He and Tilly (see below) came to us from a nice lady who recently married, was moving and couldn't take her two cats with her. They had both already been neutered and declawed and are a great addition to our household. Our original cat, Peek A Boo (Boo for short) was a bit lonely after Kaylee died (see previous post), so we decided to get her a friend. We couldn't resist either of these two, especially since the previous owner really wanted them to go to the same home. Boo and Bouncer have become friends and have started playing together.

"Where's my toys?"
This is timid Tilly. She's 2 1/2 years old and is a real sweety. She's still a bit shy, but is growing bolder. She's still a bit afraid of Boo, who still hisses at Tilly. The one thing Tilly is, is a begger extraordinaire! It's so hard to refuse her anything when she looks at you with her gorgeous green eyes and that cute dirty looking nose. The little black bit on her nose makes her look cute, whereas I think if she didn't have it she would look a bit hauty. Her fur is as soft as a rabbit's, and she is a real chunker, she weighs about 10-12 lbs. and it is all solid muscle. When I first saw her I thought it was all hair, but it's not. Her previous owner took her to the groomer every six weeks for the "Sylvester" cut, but that won't happen here, I can't wait to see how she'll look when her hair is all grown out. She likes to sit and look out the studio window, and lay on my cutting table and stare at me down the hall, when I'm in the living room. I love her already.

"What have you got for me Mom?"