Jean's Artful Spirit

"Art is the conveyance of spirit by means of matter". Salvador de Madariaga 1886-1978 Creating art quilts, drawing and painting feeds my creative spirit. My goal here is to share my joy of the spirit of creativity with all who visit.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Changes, Changes

It's been quite a while since I've posted. I've had some problems with my recovery from the pulmonary emoblisms in December, and have not been up to much. However, I think I'm finally started to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I belong to the Kalamazoo Log Cabin Quilters in Kalamazoo, MI and we just held our annual elections. Though I have been the editor of the newsletter for the guild for the past year, I was just elected to the post of president of the guild, and still plan to continue to do the newsletter.

I took jounalism in high school, and have been doing newsletters for organizations I have belonged to, since that time. I love the creative challenge of making all the information fit into a specific format, like putting a puzzle together. I have also had a passion for writing for a long time.

Our guild has approximately 300 members and we meet each month of the year. We have local quilters do lectures at most of our meetings, but have nationally know speakers and teachers two to three times per year. This month we just had Helen Squire, who writes the Helen's Hints column for American Quilter magazine. She also taught a one day class on how to decide what quilting designs to use on your UFO's. She was a great speaker, everyone enjoyed her class, and she also donated a book to our library.

Our guild also has service projects that we do twice a year. This year, our June project is wheelchair lap robes for people in nursing homes, and for the VA hospital in Battle Creek, MI. Every December we donate stuffed animals with a quilt for each one (usually lap sized) to a women's shelter, the local children's department, and the local mission for homeless people.

I look forward to the challenges and joys of leading the way to new adventures for our guild.


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