Jean's Artful Spirit

"Art is the conveyance of spirit by means of matter". Salvador de Madariaga 1886-1978 Creating art quilts, drawing and painting feeds my creative spirit. My goal here is to share my joy of the spirit of creativity with all who visit.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Cat Antics

I've been quite busy this summer, with vacation and finishing two quilts for the Kalamazoo Log Cabin Quilters show in September. I've also been trying to completely fill my schedule of demonstrators for the show since I am the chair for that area. I only have one slot left and hope to fill it by the end of August.

Yesterday, while I was sitting in the living room beading on a quilt I heard the most God-awful racket coming from my studio. I jumped up, nearly spilling my beads and spotted one of my cats banging his way out of the studio door. I was laughing so hard as I ran to get the camera I thought he might escape before I could get a picture. Here's what had me giggling so (sorry the pictures aren't the greatest, he wasn't interested in posing and I was having trouble holding the camera still because of laughing).

This is Bouncer, he's four years old and is the nosiest cat I've ever had. After I got the Puffs box off his head I discovered why he had his head stuck in it.
The other day I had a cookie when I was in the studio and apparently I had left part of it on the shelf above the Puffs box. I'm thinking he was trying to get the cookie when it fell into the box and of course he just had to have it! I bet he doesn't stick his head into a small box anytime soon.