Quilt Challeng Idea
I just had an idea for a quilt challenge to do with my small quilt group, the Fat Quarters (see picture in 6/7/07 post).
I would call this challenge the "Reduce My Stash" challenge. Each quilter would bring five pieces of fabric (no smaller than a fat quarter) and at least five items for embellishment. Then the fabrics would all be put in a bag and the embellishments in another bag. (bags would not be see through)
Then after drawing cards to see the order for picking, each person would take turns pulling out a piece of fabric and an embellishment. The challenge is they would have to keep and use at least some of each fabric in their quilt. They could choose which of their embellishments they want to use, but cannot use any of their own stash of embellishments at home.
Due to the size of the fabrics, and the choice of the quilt size made, the quilters would be able to add only one fabric from their stash to make the quilt (to possibly make the backing, etc.). Pictures would be taken of each person's pulled goodies, to check against the finished quilt. Then there would be a set time period in which to finish the quilt.
Does this sound like a fun challenge to you?